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Osborne 1: transferring files via RS232 serial cable
#1011 Osborne 1 Modification to Serial Port
#1012 Osborne 1 Computer Kermit Program HEX Transfer
#1013 Osborne 1 AUTOST Program Modification
#1003 Troubleshooting the Osborne 1
The Osborne 1 computer - Replacing RIFA's and testing CP/M - Part 2 of 2
MS-DOS Kermit file copy over RS232 serial link
Sending file using serial port
Using a Serial Cable and ZModem to Transfer Files from PC to Atari ST
Osborne 1 Bluetooth keyboard
Osborne 1 Duplicate Shifted Screen Troubleshooting [Read Description]
DCT using RS 232 file transfer by Katte Boyzz